Designing Process
Mapping the user
Mapping the collection
For clubbers that are between 18-30. These people cannot be defined to one specific person because these clubbers come in different races, gender, sexuality, religions and interests. They all go to the club with different reasons. Some people are going out because they want to escape from reality. Or meeting up with friends or like minded people. Or because they feel safe in this nightlife environment. Or people that completely emerge themself in the music that is played by the dj.
For the mapping of the collection i looked at art piece from the collection that are the most suitable for my user group. This the collection that i created for my interface includes light sculptures, colorful street art and art pieces where you can sit down. Light sculptures are the most visible during the night and are is also very active during a club night. The street art that i choose for my collection is very colorful and some pieces are very trippy in a way. So it will be very nice for my user group to look at when they are maybe drunk or something else. I did not pick all of the street art because i think some of the pieces are not very interesting for my user group. During a club night it is also very important to sit down once in a while so thats why i also choose to include art pieces where you can sit down for a bit.
art pieces around. clubs
art pieces around fast food spots